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Welcome, Beautiful Being

I am Petra Sara.

A yoga therapist, lecturer, naturopath, masseuse and herbalist.


I have been working with groups and individuals for more than ten years, through regular seminars, stays, retreats and tours in different countries of the world. In my practice, I use yoga therapy, acu-yoga, acupressure, pranic treatment, naturopathy, tantra as a system of ancient Indian shamanism. Herbs, massages, ritual and shamanic techniques are no stranger to me. I gained my knowledge not only from studying, but also from life itself in different countries of the world.

I am a graduate of Aesthetics, but among the most important for me are postgraduate studies (human consciousness and yoga and alternative therapies) at the University of Haridwar (India), Shivananda teacher training Madurai (India), Ieyngar yoga training Rishikesh (India), Development Instructor (UK ), Massage and acupressure of the soles of the feet and palms (SK), Training in shamanic work with the elements of the Earth (Ecuador), Vipassana.

Individual therapies are dedicated not only to the diagnosis and current solution of the current health, psycho-mental, spiritual condition, but together with the client, I examine and search deeply to the root causes of the disease. It brings us back to harmony with Mother Earth, her elements and reflection in us.


I also created the Pavitra Yoga Therapy system. I use all the methods mentioned above, which also include systematic work with the energy system of a person and all layers of his being through conscious movement and breath, deep relaxation, visualization and meditation.

Currently, I finished annual Divine Medicine Woman Shamanic School and Lecturer Course of Dance Medicine.

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